" F l o w e r "

princess flower

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" I would rather wear flowers in my hair than diamonds around my neck "

We can chatting here

Monday, January 7, 2013 | 2:53 AM | 5Comment


Assalamualaikum , Hi :)

Okay , firstly . Saya nak cakap , sorry for everything :) Start second paragraph lepas ni , adawiyah daah kena speaking ;) K , bukan nak cakap adawiyah belagak ke ape eh ? Sebab english adawiyah teruk sangat :'( Takboleh nak cakap apa . Grammar adawiyah teruk . So , sebab tu ahh . Even my parents pon suruh speaking kat rumah . But who's want ? Ofc , saya taknak . And mesti korang pon taknak kann ? So , ccakap dalam blog pon jadi lah kann ? I know korang susah nak baca , but korang baca ke ponlah post saya ni ? Just do it je lahh eyy ?~

Okay , start right now , I'm speaking . if you all look at my title , it just say "RESULT" . But , actually , it have meaning ! Ofc , it's about UPKK . Although , you all see like that's not important ! Such as dialog below this . Should I said in English or Malay ? Dwibahasa ? K , fine -,-'

Alaaaaa , UPKK jeponn . Bukannye PSRA ! Aiyooo , you nak sedih sangat buat apee ?
Eyy , it just a UPKK . Not PSRA . Oh , why you need to be sad  ? Ergghhh -,-
Okayy , actually , UPKK is more important than PSRA . Some maybe not know . But , some i think they don't want to know or not sure it is right . Yeah , ofc , UPKK is more important than PSRA . Okay , had to say but please understand what I say :D UPKK is one Malaysia while PSRA is one HuluLangat [?] Okay ,
 i don't know actually . I just say . But maybe YES ! Go to ask your ustazah . I think maybe I right ;b . So , i just say about this , maybe you all were bored .

Since then , I just talk about UPKK and PSRA . And I don't want to talk about that in this paragraph . I'm sorry if my English was annoying . Ofcourse , my English were BROKENENGLISH :3 . K , I don't care what you want to say about me . I don't want to proud . I'm not going to proud . I just want to say my result . But , actually ... I just don't want to say now . Because my result were very bad . K , don't ask me why ?
Talk about this , i just take this as motivation and i want to get mumtaz in PSRA . Pray for me for all biggest test that i take :)

Ohyeaaaahhh , Don't know what to say . Err -,- So , when you know my result . Just shut up and please , don't tell anyone ! Oh now , I'm telling you guys . I just don't want you know that I'm not really good . But , I always got number 1 on my class . It just a little weird . I don't know why ? And , thanks Allah for giving  me the result . And i just need to say Alhamdullilah and i just have to Redha . So , thank my ustazah . Thanks all that have teach me . But , actually , why supposed me to talk about this . It just a UPKK . Not , UPSR . Btway , great job Adawiyah :') . Kbye , Assalamualaikum . I have to go !

I just got 6A and 2B . I know it bad . But , Alhamdullilah and Redha :)
